The Romans and the Americans are not that different when it comes to state problems. Roman government covered up what really happened with gifts and holidays. The Romans used free gladiator games to take peoples minds off of the poverty. They also declared 150 Days of celebration, so people can't be unhappy during a holiday. The United States are supposed to be civilized people and honest. But aren't we doing the same as the Romans. People invented things like the television and Sports that ween people off the real issues today. While the lottery goes up so does the poverty levels. 50% of Americas money belongs to One percent of the population. The rich, which most likely is the politicians and government workers are making most of the money and the average people are getting left out. Prices of living have risen ten fold, before you could buy things for a nickel, now not even a dollar is worth much. Our government has hidden the fact that there is more money problems than before and the fact that they don't want to give up there way of living, to give to the poor. Today we have many things issues that still need to be worked out, but with the public distracted with paying the bills that no one takes a stand. That will probably also cost a lot of money to keep the lawyers fighting for that cause. Rome and the United States are alike when it comes to the government and cover ups.
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