In a land north of Greece is a place called Macedonia, and the king was King Phillip II. He wanted to conquer the world. First he seized Greece. One of his techniques of seizing a country was to marry people from the place he wanted to conquer. He had 7 wife only one from Macedonia King Phillips dream got cut short, when his daughters wedding. He said he had nothing to fear so he walked in front of his body guards. Unfortunately one of his body guards took the opportunity and came close to him and stabbed him in the chest. King Phillips other body guards took action and killed the traitor. Soon after his son Alexander takes over. He wanted to follow his father’s dream to overcome the world. Alexander continues to conquering new lands. He conquered Persia, Egypt and all the land until India. He later planned to rule the small island of Tyre but he didn’t have any ships so he built a crossway. After he was done with the bridge he built a siege tower which helped him overpower and rule the countr. All the combination of conquered cultured formed a new culture called Hellenistic Culture.

Jose Fernandez and Ashley Polanco

Jose Fernandez and Ashley Polanco
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Awesome posts and pictures
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